: Re: Salsa in Vienna

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Beitrag von / Posted by Salsaman (http-hide.unesco.org on 16 00, 2004 at 12:48:08:

In Reply to: Salsa in Vienna posted by Jorge on 11 00, 2004 at 04:57:31:

Hi Jorge,
I was in Vienna last year September. The Floridita was quite a nice place to dance, Johannesgasse 3, 1010; Web: floridita.at

On Mondays it was crowded, if I remember correctly there was a band on some days (but better check their excellent website).
Dancing was mostly on 1, some casino, but also some mixed styles. Level is divers, athmoshere is festive, easy to invite. In short, a nice place for a person from out of town to dance.
I also tried the CLUB HABANA Mahlerstrasse 11, Info: 01-369 9680, Web: clubhabana.at which was OK.

Happy dancing!

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