Haarlem Holland: Mini Salsa Festival Haarlem 2004

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Beitrag von / Posted by salsamotion (evisp-cache-03.ops.asmr-02.energis-idc.net on 19 00, 2004 at 20:15:03:

Only 10 day left to the Mini Salsa Festival Haarlem 2004.
Workshops by Tereza Zamorano, Hector Llamas, Paul Gallitto Baarn, Chris Demuynck, Emrah Kara,Kimberley Margarita.
Parties in the monumental waitingroom of the oldest trainstation in the Netherlands.
Pre-party Friday 29 octobre starts at 21.00. DJ's Andres and Hifi. During the evening there will be an presentation by the teachers of the festival.
Party Saturday 30 Octobre starts at 20.00.
Music by DJ Andres and DJ Mimo, wellknown for his performances at the Summer Breese Salsaparties in the Vondelpark in Amsterdam.
Shows by Paul Gallitto Baarn and Marieke de Bruijn of the Salsadancesquad, Tereza Zamorano Lady Showteam and the premiere of the show by Salsation Europe under leadership of D'Angelo.

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