Hannover: Antilliaanse Feesten 2017 - Caribbean Festival - 10.08.2017 - 12.08.2017

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Beitrag von / Posted by che (euro214.vpnbook.com on 25 00, 2017 at 07:52:52:

wer fährt nach Hoogstraten ?

Antilliaanse Feesten 2017 - Caribbean Festival

Flyer https://i.imgbox.com/eDT9VdXq.jpg

Hoogstraten, Belgium
Homepage: http://antilliaansefeesten.be


Welcome to the biggest, bravest & boldest Caribbean festival in the world. A weekend full of flamboyant music set in a amazing festival atmosphere. Heat up your nights, enjoy the summer cocktails and dance till your feet touch the first beams of light.

35nd edition starts on Thursday 10 at 11:00 AM, Friday 11 and Saturday 12 August 2017
The party starts at 7PM, live music from 7.30PM till 5AM!

with ~40.000 visitors
3 stages
1 Palacio de la Salsa

•Thursday 10 augustus 21:00 PM:
Pegasaya (camping stage)

•Friday 11 augustus:
El Mura y su Timbre Latino (camping stage)

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