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Beitrag von / Posted by SALSABOR on 28 00, 2003 at 20:53:07:

We are glad to welcome you at Paris Salsa Congress 2003

2002 was a huge success and this year, the event will be EXCEPTIONAL! Based in the heart of Paris, you will discover the charm of Bercy Village, with Salsa colors, a real afro-caribbean atmosphere, with animations, dancing shows, beginners' lessons, stands. All these activities outdoors are FREE!

By enrolling for the workshop, as well as for the dancing evenings, shows and concert, you will discover, in the warm setting of the Club Med World, the world most famous international teachers. 2 new offers this year : a tourist package of high standing for 5 or 7 days and a welcome evening on a barge on Thursday, June 5th.

The 2002 edition of the Paris Salsa Congress was totally sold out. This year, the event looks exceptional therefore we strongly recommend you to book your passes as soon as possible.
Salsabor and the whole organisation team of the Paris Salsa Congress 2003 wishes you a wonderful salsa week-end in Paris!

Dancers….. Maestros and DJs
Frankie Martinez, Johnny Vazquez, Nelson Flores et Descarga Latina, Stacey Lopez and Lucy Leon, Henry Herrera and Zumel Michel, Leon Rose and Susana Montero, Super Mario, Janet and Raphael, Milton Cobo and Samantha, Espasso Latino, Cliford and Valérie... Henry Knowles…. And many more.

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